Budget Basics

Budget Basics

Revenue: Where does the money come from?

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District 200 revenue comes from the following sources:

  • Local Property Taxes: The greatest source of District 200 income, accounting for 87% of revenues.
  • Other Local Sources: Student fees, other local tax collections, cafeteria receipts, instructional materials fee, earnings on investments, and miscellaneous revenues.
  • State Revenue: Comprises two types of funding sources:
    • Unrestricted Aid: Amount is based on a formula and is intended to guarantee that all districts have available a certain amount of money per student.
    • Restricted Aid: Distributed to school districts through categorical grants designed to support mandated programs, such as Special Education and free and reduced lunch.
  • Federal Grants: Restricted for a specific purpose or need, such as reimbursement for free and reduced lunch, Title 1 programs, and special education.