Suggested Scope and Sequences


Course Title:

Credit Hours



Driver Education

One semester - 1 credit

Mr. Kleinfeldt, Mr. Brown, Mr. Colquhoun, Mr. Conway, Mr. Nudera, Ms. Roth, Mr. Torrez and Mr. Wade

“Drive Right” textbook and workbook.

Course Description

This course is based on an integrated curriculum of classroom theory, simulation activities, and actual “behind-the-wheel” experience.

General Information

All students must pass tests on rules of the road, signs, and vision before qualifying for instruction. Thirty hours of classroom instruction is a graduation requirement for all students.

Class Requirements

Class participation is extremely important. The State of Illinois mandates that all absences must be made up. The makeup work must be turned in within one week of their occurrence or grade reductions will occur. Makeup work not turned in by the end of the NINE WEEKS results in a failure.

All homework must be turned in on time, clearly written or printed. Grade reduction will occur for late work. Four late or missing homework assignments may result in a semester failure.

All missed tests must be made up the day you return to school, please make arrangements with your teacher.

Lab Requirements

Switching in – car day to another day in the rotation must be cleared with your classroom teacher in advance. Two or more absences will disqualify a student from taking the State Road Test at school. Three NO drives may result in a failure for Lab. Four NO drives for any reason will result in NO credit and a failure in Lab. Students will not be allowed to drive without a permit or glasses when glasses are required.

Student’s Responsibility

Students are expected to bring their textbook, Chromebook, and a pen or pencil to class each and every day as required.

Students are expected to behave like young adults and respect the rights and property of fellow classmates.


Note: The school’s attendance policy will be followed.

Unexcused Absence

Four (4) unexcused absences from class during a semester will result in the student receiving an “NF” grade and being dropped from the class.


A tardy of more than 10 minutes will be considered one (1) Unexcused Absence

Twelve (12) accumulated tardies excused or unexcused will result in the student receiving an “NF” grade and being dropped from the class.

Countable Absences

Nine (9) Countable Absences (excused or unexcused) will result in loss of license eligibility from the state. Twelve (12) absences (excused or unexcused) will result in the student receiving an “NF” grade.


The grading scale below will be used for tests and workbooks.

  • A = 92-100

  • B = 84-91

  • C = 77-83

  • D = 70-76

  • F = 69 and below

Students will receive points for attendance, class participation, and completion of homework and in-class assignments.


Attitude and maturity are a vital part of safe responsible driving and are expected of all students in order to qualify for a driver license.  If the instructors deem this area lacking sufficient demonstrable behaviour the student may be removed from the program.